PolBox.TV: instant and absolutely free trial period

PolBox.TV: instant and absolutely free trial period

Internet television is the most convenient way to connect to the best Polish TV and radio channels. And PolBox.TV makes it the most affordable as well. You don’t need to make any commitments to enjoy its advantages. The company provides you with full access to a 3-day trial period for the Premium package at no cost at all.

Polish TV online with no limitations

So, you have heard a lot about Internet TV, and decided to give it a try. We warmly welcome you to the world of free Polish TV by offering you a welcoming gift: a 3-day trial period without any fee. You just need to fill out an application form on our website. And you will instantly be granted access to the Premium package of online TV directly from Poland.

This unique access to video and audio content in the Polish language is delivered to let you experience all the features of Polish TV on the internet including:

  • More than 100 best Polish TV channels;
  • Video library of some 3.000 movies in HD quality;
  • The most popular radio stations in Poland.

Polish television online: the best possible version of the TV

To understand what it is like to watch Polish TV free online, imagine regular TV with all its advantages, and no drawbacks at the same time, and then add some benefits to it:

  • Watch it wherever you go, the only limitation is the availability of internet access;
  • Adapt the TV program to your lifestyle by moving its schedule;
  • Use a special archive where the broadcasts are stored for two weeks and are available when you want to watch them;
  • Use any device you like, whether it is a TV set, desk computer, laptop, tablet or a mobile phone;
  • Turn on different content on several devices simultaneously;
  • Save your budget by putting the service on hold while you are away from home, on a holiday or business trip;
  • Control and restrict access to the TV for some of your household members if necessary.

Get 3 days of absolutely free Polish TV immediately!

Watch Polish TV free online for three days thanks to our special offer for new customers https://polbox.tv. And if you have decided to get constant access, we are ready to offer your various subscription packages according to your needs and desires.

Internet TV represents an unlimited source of multimedia content, including TV shows, movies, radio, as well as the related internet platform for the PolBox.TV community, all supported by 24/7 technical assistance.

Remember: free Polish TV is a great way to knit the family together, and get reattached to Poland even if you are thousands of miles away from the country.

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